I’ve picked my word for 2022 – Resolve.
I took my time deciding on this year’s focus word. I wanted it to really mean something. I wanted it to show that I’m serious about this freelance content writing gig. I wanted it to encourage me to focus and get the work done.
My previous words had purpose, a strong reason for my choosing them.
In 2020 my word was Stand. I tend to back down and let other people run over me with their opinions and ideas. In 2020, I decided I was going to stand for what I believe in, for what my family meant to me, for what my faith meant to me.
Then in 2021, I chose Complete. I often find it difficult to finish things, so I tried to focus on completing projects, completing plans, completing goals. Even though it didn’t really work with my crafting projects (which was the original goal) at least I was able to complete some other pretty significant goals for my freelancing business.
Now, we have 2022.
At first, everything I considered reminded me of Complete: Finish, Go, Do, Fulfill, Determine, Decide, Conclude.
Then I did what any questioning person does these days. I asked Google. Rather, I asked Google for synonyms of those words. That’s when RESOLVE jumped out at me.
I don’t want to treat this like I do my normal New Year’s Resolutions, because that’s not what this word signifies to me.
Instead, the word RESOLVE means my actions this year will have a purpose; they will lead to growth in my business as well as my personal life. I won’t just promise. I’ll resolve.
To me, this word signifies that I won’t allow fear to rule how I treat myself, others, or potential clients.
I will treat my freelance writing business seriously, like my job, because that’s exactly what it should be. If I want to succeed at this freelance writing stuff, I have to treat it like I’m serious. And I can’t allow perfectionism and fear to rule how or when I work.
For me, Resolve hits all the marks – powerful yet thoughtful and caring.
Have you taken a moment to think about your word for 2022?
It doesn’t have to be etched in stone – or written in permanent marker. Try it out for a few weeks. See how your chosen word fits you and your situation. If the word doesn’t ring true, try something else.
The key here is to try, to set yourself up for success, and to strive constantly for your best.
Let me know how the process goes for you. Share your chosen word in the comments below.
Until next time,
Susie from Stix-N-Stonez
P.S.–Do you find yourself so overwhelmed with events in your life thatyou can’t seem to focus on the every day, regular things? Why not join the Stix-N-Stonez Facebook Group? Every day, I post positive messages encouraging members to keep moving, even when they feel like they can’t. Looking forward to seeing you there!