How Do You Pray?

I usually pray pretty consistently, but these days I have been a praying machine. Every thought is directed toward the Parent, Son and Holy Spirit to give my son strength to overcome the ills ravaging his body. I know my prayers will get answered. Maybe not the way I want, but they will be answered.

I’ve always heard that God has three answers to every petition — yes, no and wait. I am not a patient wait-er, but I will continue to wait until I get my answers.

There are several places in the Bible where we are encouraged to pray “ceaselessly.” That doesn’t mean you should spend all your time on your knees with your eyes closed and hands folded together. But it does mean to be in constant communication with the being or force you believe in: Mother Earth, Father Time, Spirit, the Universe, or God.

But how do you do that? Be in constant prayer? I have a constant banter going on in my head. Sometimes it’s directed toward me when I feel I’ve done something stupid. But most of the time, I’m talking with God. Prayer doesn’t have to be some formal speech. Most of my prayers are simply “Oh, God,” “Please, Jesus, “ “Help me.”

I had someone ask me recently how I remember to pray for everyone on my extensive list. I don’t have an actual written list. It‘s just in my head so it’s easy for me to forget some people – unless I use my foolproof method, which involves the five digits on my right hand.

What’s cool about this method is that I never lose my directions or inspiration. I always have my right hand with me. I very seldom misplace it, and, if I do, it’s easy to find it again!

My prayer method can be used by anyone. It doesn’t require any religious faith. All it takes is a few minutes a day. Once your intentions are spoken, the Universe can do what it wants with them. I feel like whatever being you pray to accepts your petitions and holds them dear.

Those good feelings projected out into the Universe have to go somewhere, right?

So hold your hand in front of you palm away from you. See those things sticking up? They are called digits. And unless you are a farmer in the Midwest, you probably have five of them. One is a thumb and four are fingers. They probably look somewhat familiar to you. You’ve had them your whole life.

Each digit represents a group of people.

Start at your thumb. When you spread your hand out in front of you, your thumb sticks out. It’s also the closest digit to your heart, so pray for the people who are close to your heart – your spouse, children, parents, siblings, the old lady down the street who always gives you lemonade on a hot summer day. This could also be the time you say a little something for all those people who have asked you to pray for them. Doesn’t have to be long and in-depth. Mine usually sound something like “Keep Philip and Bella safe,” “protect Derek at his job,” and “help us figure out what’s wrong with Evan.” Stuff like that.

Next, look at your pointer finger. Who do you think of when you imagine someone pointing? I usually think of teachers, doctors, police officers. So, your pointer finger reminds you to pray for people who are servants at heart. The people who teach our kids, the lady helping me check out at the grocery store, my mail lady, the guys who faithfully pick up my trash every week.

Next is your middle finger. Some people have used this finger to express complete dis-satisfaction with someone else’s behavior, but in this case, I look at it as my longest finger. And that reminds me of people in authority. The mayor of my town, state government officials, the president of the United States and the members of the U.S. Senate and House, Supreme Court justices, my local tax collector. Whether you support their work or not, all of us need direction and guidance. That’s usually what I petition God for when I remember those folks.

Fourth is your ring finger. This is most often the weakest finger on your hand, so I remember those folks who are downtrodden, the poor, the sick, persecuted people all around the world, the people in India who have to hire rickshaws to help them take their dead home from the hospital to prepare for burial or cremation.

Finally, your pinky finger. It’s the smallest on your hand and the farthest away from you. Now it’s time to pray for yourself. What do you need? What are you facing today? Where do you need guidance?

I’m sure many of you have your own tools and tips for your daily petitions to God or the Universe. I’d love to hear about them. Just comment in the section below or send an email to

Until next week,


P.S. I’ve started a CaringBridge site to keep people informed on what’s going on with my son. Here’s the link, in case you’re interested:
