![Soap bubble](https://stix-n-stonez.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/soap-bubbles-768x512.jpg)
Physicians haven’t always had a protocol for informing their peers about the symptoms and treatment for patients they have in common.
It wasn’t until the 1950s that Lawrence Weed, M.D., developed the S.O.A.P. method for tracking everything going on with a patient. The “S” was for Symptoms or Subjective; “O” was for Objective or data from the patient’s physical exam; “A” was for Assessment; and the “P” was for Plan.
I first learned of Dr. Weed’s method of keeping medical records while listening to a Bible study in one of the podcasts I listen to daily. And it got me thinking that I could solve a lot of issues in my own life if I developed my own S.O.A.P. method. So, here goes:
S is for ...
Stop. Just stop – comparing myself to others, listening to the negative self-talk going on in my brain, planning instead of doing, looking for validation through other people. I need to just stop it all.
So many things in my life – and I venture to guess many other people’s lives – would look and feel so different if I would Stop focusing on the negative and Start looking at the positive.
I guess “S” could also be for Start. As in, start doing something to reach my goals. I don’t need another course, or a better website, or a little more confidence to put myself out there and Start reaching for the things I want in life.
O is for ...
Open Up. I’m learning that people want connection more than anything else. Relationships are what make us human. We thrive when we are in a loving, supportive community. The easiest way to develop those relationships is to be vulnerable and authentic with other people in our lives.
I try, in this space, to be honest about my life and what is happening in it. But it is still very difficult to really open up and tell the absolute truth about everything. What would my siblings think? What about my friends? If I told the absolute truth about everything, would people still like and accept me?
I don’t know, but the only way to find out is to Open Up and be authentic with all the people in my life – including you, dear reader.
A is for ...
Ask for what I want. I’m tired of waiting for people to read my mind and know exactly what I want just because. If I want (or don’t want) something, I need to be confident enough to ask for it. Have you ever read Amanda Palmer’s book The Art of Asking? When I finished it the first time, I thought “I want to be Amanda Palmer when I grow up.” But alas, that role is already taken.
Perhaps I should just be myself, huh?
“A” could also be for Accept, as in: Accept what has happened to you and move on, Susie. You can’t do anything about the past now.
P is for ...
Pray. I would guess that the Bible has hundreds of verses about praying, and more than 35 verses that admonish its readers to always pray or pray without ceasing. I find that the constant chatter in my head is a form of prayer. “Lord, help me do this thing.” “God, give me patience.” “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.” “Lord keep the people in that car safe.” “God help us figure out what’s wrong with Evan.”
Those petitions flow through my head without me even really thinking about it. For me, it is a natural thing to do. Express my petitions to the being I look to for guidance and strength.
I think most of us pray in one way or another. We might not specifically address a Higher Power, but we still throw our wishes, hopes and dreams out into the Universe, hoping that we receive the blessing of an answer.
Now that I have my S.O.A.P., what do I do? Do I expect it to clean up my life? Make everything hunky dory? Turn me into a confident, well-rounded person who always knows what action to take?
But maybe it will help me remember to give myself a break. To not take life so seriously. To have fun for the sake of fun.
Maybe that’s what we all should be aiming for anyway.
Until next week,
Susie from Stix-N-Stonez
1 thought on “How I Used A Little S.O.A.P. To Clean Up My Life”
I love this Susie. I think I need to make my own acronym. I love this as a writing prompt. I think my A would be for allow. I will think of the others.
Love your voice in this post too. Well done.
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